As educators, we all have the same goal: To help students make the maximum possible academic gains in a positive, respectful environment that promotes their success and nurtures their desire to learn. (Anita Archer, Explicit Instruction 2011) We do this via ‘Implementing practices that work best to accelerate student learning’. (Fisher, Frey and Hattie 2016)
At Mundingburra State School teachers make learning visible through the use of effective and efficient explicit instruction. It is based on systematic, direct instruction characterised by a series of supports or scaffolds where students are guided through the learning process. Students receive clear statements and visible prompts about the purpose (intent) of the learning, the expectations (success criteria) of the learning, links between what they have already learned and the end goal to achieve success. This is supported through practice and timely feedback.
Collaborative inquiry cycles are a component of how Mundingburra teachers focus on curriculum and pedagogical practices. They empower teachers to work together and gain clarity in their teaching, use close analysis of what students do, say, make or write to ensure learning is occurring and make learning visible whilst creating assessment literate learners. In 2018 the cycle focus is English.
Children who experience difficulties with learning are supported in a variety of ways. Professionals available to support children include:
- Classroom teachers
- Support teachers for Literacy and Numeracy
- Guidance officer
- Speech language pathologist
- Teacher aides